November 24, 2023

New Shortcut to Tackle Bali’s Traffic Woes

New Shortcut to Tackle Bali’s Traffic Woes

Bali’s traffic issues are notorious, particularly in the bustling heart of tourist resorts, where gridlocked congestion has become a daily frustration for both tourists and residents alike.

Canggu, the most congested holiday hotspot on the island, has experienced rapid growth in the last seven years, overwhelming the existing road infrastructure. Frustrated drivers have taken matters into their own hands, creating informal shortcut routes through farmland as the famous Canggu shortcut remains congested.

To address this, the Badung Transportation Service is developing a new shortcut route in the Canggu, Berawa, Petitenget, and Dalung areas, aiming to alleviate traffic jams for both residents and tourists. The new route, designed at Simpang Berawa Padonan, Jalan Canggu-Tanah Lot, is expected to improve traffic flow, especially during peak hours.

I Made Gede Wiryantara Adi Susandi, Head of the Traffic Division of the Badung Transportation Service, highlighted the need for solutions due to increased motorized vehicles without a corresponding expansion of road size. He explained that the Public Works and Public Housing Department is designing a through road, while the Transportation Department is working on a traffic engineering management design for one-way traffic circulation at key intersections.

The goal is to implement these changes by December to tackle traffic congestion, although concerns remain, given the anticipated influx of over one million tourists during that month.

While a new road may provide relief for those frustrated with Canggu’s current traffic situation, some lament the inevitable loss of village and agricultural land. Social media videos vividly illustrate how Canggu has transformed from a sleepy coastal village to a bustling hub of cafes, hotels, villas, and resorts.

As Bali braces for an influx of tourists during the festive season, travelers are advised to factor in extra time for journeys. Whether traveling from the airport to accommodation or exploring the island, traffic is unavoidable. While authorities work on long-term solutions, allowing extra time or avoiding peak rush hours remains the most practical approach to ensure a smooth and enjoyable vacation experience.